Instant US transfers: How to connect your bank account using a debit card to your Money Company Emerald account


Connecting your bank account using a debit card to your Money Company Emerald allows for instant transactions and easier management of your funds. By linking your bank account with a debit card, you can quickly move funds home, making your financial transactions smoother and more efficient.


Before you get started, ensure you have the following:

  • A Money Company Emerald account already set up

Step-by-Step Guide

Link your bank account with debit card to your Money Company Emerald account

  1. Login to your Money Company Emerald account

  2. Click settings in the app navigation header

  3. Select Bank Account in the Settings menu

  4. Select Add debit card on the page

  5. Name your card account, select the associated billing address, and fill out your debit card information in the form.

  6. Click Add debit card and you're done!


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